March 1, 2017 - Connecticut's Brownfield Program
At this month's meeting the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development's Deputy Commissioner Tim Sullivan will join us for a discussion on the Connecticut Brownfield Program, including an update on possible legislative amendments to the program.
The Mission of the Connecticut Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development is to return brownfield sites across the state to productive re-use, including mixed-use, residential, commercial, industrial, retail and open space uses.
About the Presenter

Tim Sullivan joined the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) in January 2014, and became Deputy Commissioner in January 2015. Tim oversees several key components of Governor Malloy’s economic development strategy, including tourism, brownfield redevelopment, transit-oriented development, and waterfront initiatives. He also manages the state’s “still revolutionary” branding effort, which raises awareness about Connecticut as a great place to visit and grow a business. Prior to joining DECD, Tim served as Chief of Staff to the New York City Deputy Mayor for Economic Development during the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. In that role, Tim focused on key areas of city policy including transportation and transit-oriented development; brownfield redevelopment; waterfront and maritime/port redevelopment (serving as the citywide waterfront policy coordinator); public and affordable housing policy; small business support; infrastructure finance; and public/private partnerships. He played a critical role in several noteworthy initiatives of the Bloomberg administration, including the engineering and applied science campus being developed by Cornell University on Roosevelt Island, major brownfield/waterfront development projects in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, the restructuring of the New York City Housing Authority, implementation and expansion of the East River Ferry, efforts to expand the #7 subway line to New Jersey, and the Citibike bike sharing program. Prior to joining city government in 2010, Tim worked at Barclays Capital in New York as Chief of Staff to the Head of Global Investment Banking (a position he also held at Lehman Brothers prior to its acquisition by Barclays in 2008). He began his career in investment banking at Lehman Brothers in 2003 as a healthcare banker, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and capital markets transactions for leading companies in the managed care, biotechnology, and healthcare services sectors. Tim is a graduate of Georgetown University.