An Overview of Connecticut's First Water Plan with The Connecticut Water Company
This month’s meeting was an overview of Connecticut’s first State Water Plan. The Plan, which is being finalized for presentation to the state legislature in January, is intended to help planners, regulators, and lawmakers make informed decisions about managing the state’s water resources in a consistent, balanced manner. Discussion items included the development of the Plan; how to interpret its technical elements; various policy recommendations and their potential implications for water users; and suggested pathways forward for conflict resolution and overall Plan implementation.
About the speaker
David Radka has been employed by The Connecticut Water Company, a subsidiary of Connecticut Water Service, since 1988, where he currently holds the position of Director of Water Resources & Planning. He holds a B.S. in chemistry and biology and a M.S. in hydrogeology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
David’s work has led him to be very involved in water policy issues at the state level. He has participated on numerous committees and forums with other stakeholders and policy makers, including development of the State Water Plan, where he recently served on the Science & Technical and Policy subcommittees.
David is a past president of the Connecticut Water Works Association, and has served as co-chair of the Water Planning Council’s Advisory Group and as an advisory board member to the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources at the University of Connecticut. In 2009, he was elected to the board of the Rivers Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing Connecticut’s rivers, streams and watersheds. David is involved with his local community as well, and serves as chair of the Inland Wetlands Commission in Clinton, CT.